Hari Sabtu kemaren saatnya gank Kepo berkumpul, kekekekke. Gank Kepo (whatever you may call it) terdiri dari Milka, Sisca, Adel, Tohir, Wushu dan gw. Pasangan masing2 boleh menjadi bagian gank ini ^_^.
Kita janjian jam 12an di Taman Anggrek Mall. Berhubung yg lain belum ready, gw ngeloyor sendirian ke Metro (coz they had a big sale...). I was so wxcited to buy the sale stuff (all of them are clothes). Berhubung gw maniak baju...gw browsing2 di box and grrrreeeat! I got some nice dresses and clothes @ 50% discount. I feel content.

I am soo in love with the dresses. Yang kanan, agak ragu2 beli, tapi gw akhirnya memutuskan beli coz it's so Katy Perry ^_^. I need to buy black tights for both of my dresses and maybe a pair of ankle boots or black pumps would do.
The next day, gw check out Metro PS, tapi ga banyak item yang tersisa. I just got 2 tops, both are less than 100k.

Left: batwing top: chic simple; Right: purple tunic: chic simple; skinny jeans: brandless; wedges: high heels